Breathwork is basically the fastest way to get out of your head and into your heart. It connects you to both your body and your intuition. For many, it facilitates an emotional purge, leaving you feeling lighter and with more clarity. You are relearning how to live in your body and heart, establishing new pathways in the brain and cultivating emotional and relational intelligence.
Breathwork is a healing modality that uses simple controlled breath patterns to take you into a deep state of consciousness that provides a fast-track to emotional healing. It works by oxygenating the body,( the equivalent of a brisk jog), increasing blood flow and bypassing the conscious mind. Its a quick way to move stuck energy in the body and tap into deeply intuitive state. Breathwork is a holistic practice that helps us access parts of the body, mind and intuition that need healing. Very quickly it works to offer release, relief and catharsis in a short period of time,
In a society that gives limited spaces for emotional catharsis, Breathwork makes it available to access all that is locked inside. It shows us what we need to see in a safe and supportive container in which we remain the director of our experience.